Friday, January 20, 2012

Sewing a Themed Tie



My cute nephew modeling the new tie – he will be a sharped dressed boy at that Mickey’s breakfast.

I realized that I was lacking a few key pictures and tried to get some of another tie I have (as I already gave my nephew the tie).  Some pictures are still missing but comment below any questions you might have and I will try to clarify or add pictures if I need too.

Materials -

1/2 yard of fabric (I used the red and scraps of the polka dot for a contrasting collar)

Coordinating thread (I needed black and red)

Heat’n’Bond Paper

Scrap Fabric to make themed picture


  1. I took a tie of my husbands and measured it on my son for length.  Then I traced it on paper for the length of tie I wanted (Sorry, no pictures - I did this the first time I made a tie, so awhile ago). 
  2. Cut out the themed picture that you want and cute a piece of Heat’n’Bond paper the size of the shape.  I made a Mickey head on paper and then traced that onto some scrap black minky I had and cut out the shape.
  3. Put the themed shaped on your pattern paper that you traced the tie.  Now you will use this to figure out how wide you need to make the tie.  (This tie is wider than normal to fit the Mickey head, but I figured it would fit into the cartoon theme.)
  4. Once the finished tie shape is done I added dashed lines around 1/2 inch away for cutting out the pattern, that is my seam allowance and then cut out the pattern. 
  5. Using pattern, cut out 2 tie shapes.  (If your fabric has a pattern or design then take care to make sure the pattern is the correct direction for the front and back of the tie.)
  6. Also cut 2 rectangles from the fabric (or contrasting fabric) approximately 15”x2”.  (Also watch the direction of the pattern.)DSC03881
  7. Sew the collar pieces together by placing the right sides together and sewing around (using 1/2” seam allowance) and turn right sides out.  Be sure to leave an end open for turning out…and then just keep working at it until you get it through.  =)
  8. Iron the seams flat and top stitch the opening.  You could also top stitch around the collar piece if you want.  I did for the Mickey tie but I don’t always do it (as you will see from the different tie pictures below)…but it would help it stay flat if you wash the tie.
  9. Place velcro on the ends.  (Make sure that you place the pieces on opposite sides of the collar so that it will do up around your neck.)  Now the collar is done.DSC03903 DSC03905                DSC03904
  10. Follow the instructions on the Heat’n’Bond (or similar product).  Basically you place one side of the paper onto your cut out shape (the bumpy side) and place the iron on it until they stick together.       DSC03884
  11. Next you trim the paper so it is the same as the fabric shape and position the shape onto one of the tie sides where you want it (make sure it is on the right side of the fabric – the side that is on the front facing out), removing the paper and hold the iron on it until the shape bonds onto the tie.      DSC03889
  12. Top stitch around the shape so that it stays in place and can be washed.DSC03888
  13. Now place the 2 tie pieces right sides together and stitch together using the 1/2” seam allowance.  Make sure to leave a 2” - 3” opening to turn it right side out.  Also trim the corners before turning right side out so that it lays flatter.
  14. Turn right side out and top stitch the opening closed.  Now the tie portion is complete.

Now you are done the sewing and just need to tie the tie to the collar and you are finished.


I also realize that tying the tie could by fun, I’ve done a few so I figured out how it needs to be done.  Below are some pictures of the knot so that you can try to figure it out, they are of the front of the knot and the back of the knot.

DSC03906   DSC03902

Some basic instructions are to hang the tie over the collar and then wrap the back of the tie around the front and then tuck it in the back to form a half knot.  Then just adjust it so that the collar isn’t too squished and the knot and length of tie look the way you want.  After you have done it once it is easy to do again.  =)


So that is the tie tutorial…how did I do?  Can you understand it?  Does anything need clarification?  Comment below if you have any questions.

I also sell ties if you don’t sew or just don’t feel like making one, you can comment on my Facebook page (or below) or email me.  I can make them with basically any fabric and with most shapes just let me know what you want.  (Prices will vary depending on theme.)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Weekly Meal Plan–Week 4

So far so good, two weeks in a row of meal planning!  This week I want to try a few new recipes, I am trying to get myself out of the winter blues.  I also started exercising every day again after almost 6 weeks of very little exercise (other than yoga)…I will break this winter slump!

Here she is -

Weekly Plan - for posting.xlsx

So the plan is -

Monday morning we are going to make some muffins and get the chicken in the slow cooker (it is skating day).

Tuesday is a simple supper that I am pretty sure the newly picky preschooler and a toddler that lives on a few tablespoons of food a day, it is from Kraft Canada website.

Wednesday is the lazy day, I got some whole grain toaster waffles on sale so we are going to eat those for breakfast and have left overs for supper.

Thursday I have to work (fortunately I work from home) so I can make a nice pot of meat sauce that simmers for most of the afternoon, the best kind.  =)

Friday I am trying a new recipe that sounds interesting…it has bacon so it must be good!  (If it is in fact good I will share the link the next time I have it on my menu plan.)

Saturday is another slow cooker meal.  I’ve made the pulled pork lots before but I have never actually made it into a sandwich, let alone add coleslaw and pickles to it…sounds interesting so I had to try it.

Sunday is pretty straight forward.

I hope that the meal plans help you out just a bit, I know that it helps me keep the sanity in my house!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Disney Tie and Dress

My niece and nephew are going to Disneyland pretty soon and they are going to a Mickey’s breakfast so I thought it would be cute to make them Disney themed matching tie and dress to wear.


I think that they turned out pretty cute and I know that the kids really like them.  I am working on tutorials for these and will post each one soon.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Meal Plan Thursday–Week 3

Ok, so I have been a bit MIA for meal planning lately.  With the New Year we entered a new phase with our family in which my husband started a new job and we are in the process of selling our house and trying to move to where the new job is.  So I am now planning meals for me and 2 young kids that don’t eat…anything…but sandwiches.  Makes it tough but I have decided that I need to get back on the wagon and make these boys eat real food!

So here it is -

Weekly Plan - for posting.xlsx

So my battle plan is -

Mondays we have skating at 4, so that means a slow cooker meal is in order for that day.  The lasagna casserole is a favorite of my boys and my oldest asks for it all the time (it will be on my meal plans a lot!)  My green eggs are going to be avocado mashed and added to the eggs right when I take them off the stove, sometimes I use spinach and sometimes my boys eat them.  =)

Tuesday is a simple day for us as we are out and about most of the day and I should have lots of left overs from this weekend.

Wednesday - I make the alfredo sauce using Our Best Bites recipe, super easy and another thing that my oldest is guaranteed to eat.

Thursday is another easy, and guaranteed to eat, supper.  I just brown up some ground beef, add cream of mushroom soup and mushrooms - I have to puree the mushrooms as my oldest will not touch any food that has mushrooms in or on it…its really funny since he usually helps me puree them but still eats the goulash…hasn’t put 2 and 2 together yet. 

On Friday I am making Panini sandwiches…I’ll see if the munchkins will eat that…I don’t have a Panini maker but I just put a heavy pot on the top of the sandwich, basically the same thing.

Supper on Saturday is a Weight Watchers meal from their 5 ingredient cookbook, if you want the recipe just message or comment and I will give it to you.

Happy planning!!


Monday, January 9, 2012

Quick & Easy Home Made Coffee Creamer Recipes *Updated*


Ok, I am addicted to sweet and creamy coffee…those darn coffee creamers (and possibly my addiction for Starbucks lattes) have ruined me.  I buy those creamers all the time and just don’t look at the ingredients…not that it matters as I know they are bad since they can last in the fridge for like 3 months.  If you are on Pinterest then I am sure you have seen the home-made coffee creamers being pinned all over the place.  I pinned 2 to try a long time ago and just never got the chance, then a friend of mine made a couple of flavours and share as a Christmas gift.

I’ve tried the Cinnamon and vanilla from this blogger and they were delicious but not quite sweet enough for me.  Plus you actually had to cook them and stuff…I am much to lazy for that.  I am working towards that creamer though as it is much healthier and I never used to want sweet coffee (must get back to just the delicious taste of coffee). 

I also looked at the recipe from this blogger and decided it would be much easier to make and had the sweetness factor.  It was a bit too sweet and not quite creamy enough for me.

Which brings my version of the creamers (and I made 2 flavors).  I swear these taste exactly like the store bought ones but at least you can pronounce the ingredients.  What my little bit of playing has also told me is that anyone can use variations of these recipes to make something that suits their preference, and it really is EASY!

Vanilla Creamer

Equal portions of sweeten condensed milk, coffee cream and milk

1 or more tablespoons of vanilla

Here is the condensed milk with the vanilla on top.


Now with the milk and cream added. 


Then you just shake them up really good and enjoy!


Caramel Macchiato Creamer

Equal portions of sweeten condensed milk, cream and milk

Caramel sauce

1/2 tablespoon vanilla

I put the sweeten condensed milk and then put a layer of caramel sauce on it.  (The Starbucks caramel would be divine but the Smuckers sauce I used tasted just fine.)


Now add the milk, cream and vanilla and shake it up.  (Apparently I had more even condensed milk to milk/cream ratio on this one.)




Now there are ways to reduce the fat in them (in fact I used all of these).  You can buy low fat condensed milk, fat free coffee creamer and use skimmed milk.  As I use these I am going to put a little bit less condensed milk to reduce the sweetness and eventually switch to things like maple syrup.  I am not sure I can take out the cream as I just really like creamy coffee.  =)

I made these while my coffee was brewing…in my Keurig…it was that quick to make these. 


Chocolate Hazelnut Creamer

Equal portions of sweeten condensed milk, cream and milk

1-2 tablespoons of chocolate hazelnut spread (I used PC brand)

Soften the spread up a bit in the microwave, just around 20 seconds.  Add it to the cream mixture and shake up.

This adds a nice flavor to your coffee, I think it is the best as my afternoon coffee drink (decaf for me on a good day) and tastes divine!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January’s Goals

So, since I do not know when our house will sell, and also do not want to sit idle waiting, I have decided to do monthly goals based on my living circumstances, and I will do a monthly wrap up so see how I did.  So these are my goals for January -

  • Clean and organize my pantry…it seriously needs help…I can’t even step into it.  Not being able to step into it is really bad as it is a corner pantry and I am short, kind of makes reaching anything in it difficult and as a result it just gets messier.  (As another note, never again will I willing have a corner pantry, too much wasted space.)

(This picture is from the House of Smiths but I couldn’t find it to make a link)Pantry

  • Get back on track with a cleaning schedule.  This time around I have decided to follow Clean Mama for her Cleaned and Organized 2012 year.  It is supposed to include organizing along with keeping your house clean everyday…worth a try!
  • Get back into meal planning, I took a few weeks off but going to get back on track.
  • Re-cover my kitchen chairs.  I won’t be able to refinish the table and chairs right now, I need warmer weather outside to do that but I can’t stand the seats anymore, so those are getting done!
  • I have 2 rag blankets and a duvet cover to get done for clients
  • I am helping my sister redo my niece’s bedroom, so I have been making a mood board on Pinterest with idea’s from what my niece likes and my sister wants.  (That is also who the duvet cover is for)
  • There are some ties and bowties that I am also making for a couple of clients as well

Wow, not that I have that all wrote out it is a lot…but being busy is good, and I have most of my evenings since my kids go to bed at 7pm.  I CAN DO IT  (:



Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 Goals and Accomplishments


So it is the New Year and I have been deciding what it is that I want to accomplish during the year (and hope that writing it here keeps me from quitting them!).  This is hard thing for me as we are in the process of selling our house to move to a different town.  This move will improve our family life but at this time it is making things harder as my husband is now working in a different town than we live.  Come on house, SEEEELLLLL!!!!!

So I am going to come up with some personal goals, some family goals, and some broad home improvement goals that I will have to build on after we move.

Personal Goals -

  • Eat Healthier
  • Continue to do yoga weekly
  • Start jogging
  • Start strength training

I’m not silly enough to think that I can just start off on all those things, I’m much too busy and lazy to make that huge of changes at once.  (;  My plan of attack is to keep doing yoga right now, and to start the Christmas and process food detox over the next 2 weeks, then start eating healthier for the rest of the month (and rest of the year).  I am going to add more walking/jogging training at the end of January and then in a few months start to do more strength training (thinking in March but probably after we move).

  • Learn to edit pictures
  • Learn some new sewing technique's (Ashley at Make It and Love It is my sewing idol)
  • Keep adding things to my blog  (:

Family Goals -

  • Do something new every second month…well, new at least to the boys
  • Make cuts to our budget and put the savings into a vacation fund
  • Organize, organize, organize!  Declutter, declutter, declutter!

Having gone from a family of 2 to a family of 4 in 21 months has seriously made me and our house very cluttered, messy, and chaotic…and it needs to change!  (I know, we’ve been a family of 4 FOR 21 months already but I still do not have things under control.)  I thought that quitting work and working part time from home would help out, and it has as I can keep up with laundry and keep the house clean, BUT I haven’t really made too much of a dent in the getting better organized (maybe now that there isn’t any big holidays for a while).

Home Improvement Projects -

  • Create Mood Boards for each room in the new house (I have started this,
  • Re-decorate the boys rooms
  • Re-do the kitchen table and chairs
  • Set up a craft/sewing room
  • make a more functional playroom with proper storage

I am hoping to have a lot more things to do (and the time to do them) but until I know what the house we will hopefully, one day, be buying it is pretty hard to plan.

So those are my goals…it is a lot but I need to do these things to get myself motivated and to get back into shape after having 2 babies and getting no sleep for the last 2 years.  Hope everyone else is having fun setting up goals! 

Until next time!
