I am a Stay-at-Home mom of 2 little boys, Munchkin #1 is 3 and Munchkin #2 is 1, they are 21 months apart so I am BUSY. I recently quit my full time Transportation Engineering job to stay home with my boys and enjoy them while they are young. I found it incredibly hard to run a household, eat healthy and work, as well as do the things in life that I enjoy...something had to go, so why not work! hehehe
So now with no job comes no extra income...but I think more happiness will be the result! I am already planning my garden for next year, making a year long meal plan (which I plan to share weekly with everyone) and making monthly activitiesa (which I also plan to share with everyone).
I also love sewing and plan to sell items through Esty once I get some stock piled. I will show case them on this blog and I will also have tutorials for some sewing products so you can make your own, or just pay me to do it for you! ;-)
I will also be decorating, crafting and other activities on the cheap as much as possible, all of which I will share on here as well. I think that we can all have fun together, the blog-sphere is full of such great ideas that I will be trying and sharing with everyone (and giving credit where credit is due!).
Enjoy and leave as many comments as you want!