So it is the New Year and I have been deciding what it is that I want to accomplish during the year (and hope that writing it here keeps me from quitting them!). This is hard thing for me as we are in the process of selling our house to move to a different town. This move will improve our family life but at this time it is making things harder as my husband is now working in a different town than we live. Come on house, SEEEELLLLL!!!!!
So I am going to come up with some personal goals, some family goals, and some broad home improvement goals that I will have to build on after we move.
Personal Goals -
- Eat Healthier
- Continue to do yoga weekly
- Start jogging
- Start strength training
I’m not silly enough to think that I can just start off on all those things, I’m much too busy and lazy to make that huge of changes at once. (; My plan of attack is to keep doing yoga right now, and to start the Christmas and process food detox over the next 2 weeks, then start eating healthier for the rest of the month (and rest of the year). I am going to add more walking/jogging training at the end of January and then in a few months start to do more strength training (thinking in March but probably after we move).
- Learn to edit pictures
- Learn some new sewing technique's (Ashley at Make It and Love It is my sewing idol)
- Keep adding things to my blog (:
Family Goals -
- Do something new every second month…well, new at least to the boys
- Make cuts to our budget and put the savings into a vacation fund
- Organize, organize, organize! Declutter, declutter, declutter!
Having gone from a family of 2 to a family of 4 in 21 months has seriously made me and our house very cluttered, messy, and chaotic…and it needs to change! (I know, we’ve been a family of 4 FOR 21 months already but I still do not have things under control.) I thought that quitting work and working part time from home would help out, and it has as I can keep up with laundry and keep the house clean, BUT I haven’t really made too much of a dent in the getting better organized (maybe now that there isn’t any big holidays for a while).
Home Improvement Projects -
- Create Mood Boards for each room in the new house (I have started this,
- Re-decorate the boys rooms
- Re-do the kitchen table and chairs
- Set up a craft/sewing room
- make a more functional playroom with proper storage
I am hoping to have a lot more things to do (and the time to do them) but until I know what the house we will hopefully, one day, be buying it is pretty hard to plan.
So those are my goals…it is a lot but I need to do these things to get myself motivated and to get back into shape after having 2 babies and getting no sleep for the last 2 years. Hope everyone else is having fun setting up goals!
Until next time!
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