Saturday, September 10, 2011

Kick Off

So, I've been wanting to do this for a long time and decided to finally bite the bullet and do it. As you can see from the title bar, I have a lot planned but some will come slowly and I haven't actually figured out how to place posts under those but I'm sure it will come. ':)

So my plans -

Menu Plan Monday - this is to force me to plan weekly meals, which will include all meals and snacks. This is to save me time, my family money and I am trying to give my boys less processed foods in hopes it slows the hyperness down a lot bit!

Cooking - mostly baking (I LOVE to bake, everything and anything) but I want to experiment more with cooking.

Gardening - I want to do a garden next year and I am a BIG plan aheader (I think that is the engineer in me, and yes that is a real word...I think LOL) so I will be sharing things I come up with from planting pairs to soils.

Crafts - mostly kids (I am a work from home mommy of 2 little boys that will need entertaining for the winter) but I have some grown up ideas as well. :D

Sewing - I have some tutorials that I will share and I have some themes that I plan to build around using some sewing projects. I'll always try to show you how to do it but I also hope to open an Esty Store soon so you can choose to just buy what I make as well. ;-)

I will throw in some other projects from around the house...I am NOT a decorator but an experimenter (don't forget I am an Engineer turned WAH mommy...we aren't known for our creativity - engineers that is)

So I hope you enjoy, come back often, share (but make sure you give me credit) and leave me comments both good and constructive as I am just starting up and open to all ideas.

Take care and (as my hubby is always saying and I don't have a catch phrase) have a safe day. :-)

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